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Doing anything worthwhile has an element of friction to it. We feel resistance to doing what we know we need to do. Doing meal prep for the week on Sunday afternoon takes some time, we resist, and this is our inner friction.

Going to the drive-thru at Macca’s for lunch is easy.

We feel resistance to doing what we know we need to do.

That is precisely why when we want to make a change, we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The good news is the resistance caused by friction erodes and smoothes out over time.

As kids, we disliked brushing our teeth before bed. We knew we needed to, but it was annoying. As adults, we do it without thinking about it. It’s ingrained and frictionless.

Successful people, in the gym and out, learn to recognise friction and choose to ignore it.

Or they anticipate it, stare it down, and work through it anyway. Friction sucks, but not achieving goals sucks more. Working with resistance starts from within. How you deal with it forms habits, it becomes fed from the environment, those surrounding you. Making a change will be the hardest thing you will ever do, but it will also be the best.

Let the resistance begin.

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