16 Week Transformation Challenge – Basic Entry


For $49 this covers your entry to the 4-month Transformation Challenge and you have complete autonomy over how you do it. It’s all your choice. You can go it alone.

If you feel comfortable in your ability to stick to a plan that you devise, that demonstrates clear muscle gain and fat loss, off you go!

Alternatively, if you wish to employ your regular PT to continue to help push you in sessions or you want to seek one in your country or home town, or on-line that’s fine too – your choice is yours to make on the how and who.

Just enter, make sure you post your before and after photos on the website by the due date and you are in the running to win or place. What level of entry you choose has absolutely zero bearing on winning and placing.


I will be in touch to provide you with all required documentation once your entry has been confirmed.

In 200 characters or less, tell us a bit about yourself


Additional information

Here's When

The official start date for the 2023 challenge this year is January 2nd 2023, and the last day you can enter is December 31st  2022. No matter when you sign up and pay your start date is January 2nd and your transformation component lasts 4 months (16 weeks) until the 1st May 2023.

Early-bird registration will open on November 1 st  2022, so you can get a really great head start on preparing for your first day. All relevant material (4, 4 week programs, complete nutrition guide, details of how to construct your personalised cardio plan, tips for taking great “before” and afters and Ingrid’s Best Tips for an Amazing Transformation) will be sent within 48 hours of payment, possibly sooner for all level 2 entrants.

If you also enter the 8-month“Best Maintainer” you must send your “maintenance” final photographs by 11.59pm 3 rd January 2024.

By entering as an early bird not only does this give you 20% off each of the 5 entry levels prices for BOTH parts of the contest but it allows you to be able to review everything and ensure total preparation for your start date, including checking of all your exercise demonstrations on the Ingrid Barclay YouTube channel.

Early bird offer begins on November 1st 2022 and closes November 30th 2022.

What are the Prizes?

The winner of Best Body Recomposition will win a 2 night/3 day fitness Staycation with Ingrid Barclay – coach extraordinaire.  This stayover is valued at $4000.  Details of what exactly the staycation involves can be found at https://ingridbarclay.com/reinvent-yourself/

This staycation is your ultimate fitness experience to educate yourself and take your results to a far greater level than you could imagine and learn some of Ingrid’s best advice and knowledge in her lifetime of fat reduction, muscle gain, strength gains and health. A magnificent prospect whether you’re a newbie or advanced this will be an incredibly eye-opening and resourceful, inspiring stayover.

We can construct the winner’s stay exactly to your needs. Everything is flexible, and from the link you can see that I run quite an incredible number of different, specialist workshops. There is nothing like Ingrid’s fitness staycations offered anywhere in the world and video footage and testimonials can be found on her website and also YouTube channel.

The winner will also receive a $100 gift voucher from Yondit Apparel -clothing that makes you feel confident!

Second placegetter will win themselves a matchless SBD Belt valued at $330 and a pair of SBD knee sleeves valued at $140. They will also receive a $100 gift voucher from Yondit Apparel -as clothing you wear correlates directly to how you feel, and you want to feel awesome! Finally, they will receive a large tub of International Protein powder valued at $164

Third prize is a $100 clothing voucher from the amazing active wear Yondit and a large tub of International Protein powder valued at $164

There is also an Ingrid Barclay gift voucher valued at $500  “Encouragement Award” for someone who has done a great job thus far, possibly against some obstacles, as incentive to keep on going with their fitness and health journey.

This voucher can be used for anything available in the Ingrid Barclay shop or put towards a program or staycation of a higher value.

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