Bodybuilding Contest Preparation Program that will leave the competition in awe!
Ingrid Barclay has been heavily involved in all aspects of bodybuilding ‘ comp prep’ for more than 25 years with a very strong track record of success.
Ingrid will prep you all the way to stage, achieving 3 key things :
- to feel better
- to look amazing
- to perform better in all aspects of your life (not just your training!).
This means doing your preparation in a manner that optimises your health whilst getting you into amazing (and winning) shape and condition.
16 Week Fitness, Bikini, & Sports Model Contest Preparation
Initial Assessment
Customised nutrition and sports nutrition program designed to help you excel in fitness, sports model or bikini competition. Your nutrition plan will change from week to week according to your weekly compositional assessments and all of your weekly bio-feedback.
Includes 6 training blocks covering all major body parts with an emphasis on shape and proportion. This will include both your weight training and your cardio prescription with in-depth instruction.
Supplementation guidance is included
Weekly check-ins (in-depth if required)
Unlimited email support (allow 24-48 hours for responses). All of your contest preparation questions answered.
Debrief after your show
Reverse diet plan if desired can be included
Also included to help assist you with your cooking, meal preparation and choosing your cardio sessions will be the Body Cookquest e-book, Liquid Meal’s e-book and Post Comp Blues e-book (valued at $35, $25 and $80 respectively).
16 Week Figure and Physique Contest Preparation
This package is geared towards competitive bodybuilders and attaining superhumanly low levels of body fat and high levels of muscularity in order to be very competitive on the state/national and international stage. Included in this package across the 16 weeks is:
Initial Assessment
Customised nutrition and sports nutrition program designed to help you excel in figure or physique (bodybuilding) competition. This nutrition plan will change from week to week according to your weekly compositional assessments and all of your weekly bio-feedback.
Includes 6 training blocks covering all major body-parts with an emphasis on symmetry, muscularity and extreme conditioning. This will include both your weight training and your cardio prescription with in-depth instruction.
Supplementation Guidance is included
Weekly check-ins (in-depth if and when required)
Phone support as needed especially in the final weeks
Coaching on all the fine details such as bikini/trunks/peak week, tanning etc.
Unlimited email support (allow 24-48 hours for responses). All of your contest preparation questions answered.
Debrief after your show
Reverse diet plan if desired can be included
Also included to help assist you with your cooking, meal preparation and choosing your cardio sessions will be the Body Cookquest e-book, Liquid Meal’s e-book and Post Comp Blues e-book (valued at $35, $25 and $80 respectively).
*Longer preparation plans may be made available where necessary; please email me if you wish to organise this.
I prep you in manner that is conducive to your food sensitivities, your proclivities, your likes and dislikes. Your training is based upon what is do-able and maintainable for you during the timeline of your preparation. I am not one trick ponies. This means I do not have one way to diet you to stage. I have prepped via several different methods — ones that worked well on a number of levels for that individuals and may include but not be restricted to :
- lower carb (NEVER) no carb
- keto
- vegetarian
- vegan
- aquavarian
- raw food
- MP
- high fat
Your health is my highest priority.
I focus on the nutrient density of food not just the calorie and macro breakdown. I believe we must eat the highest quality food in the highest quality form. This means we eat nearly all foods that we can catch, pull out of the ground or pick of a tree. Man-made, manufactured, boxed foods with ingredients that we cannot begin to pronounce tend to be omitted. My plans are alkaline based, and have a particular focus on being anti-inflammatory. I promise that I will have you eating plenty of good wholesome foods that provide your body with the balanced nutrition it needs during this testing phase.

My ethos on cardio
Cardio is only the fourth cog in the wheel to being stage ready. I am prepping you for a weights based sport so the emphasis is where it should be: on your resistance training and nutrition. My motto is “feed the muscle, burn the fat”. I nearly always lift the workload before I decrease food as I believe in training the fat off not starving it off.
Therefore I am not a fan of cardioing the bejesus out of you and dieting you on bird seed. This is neither a good look, nor healthy. Many of my clients cardio only once or twice a week. Some…none at all. Cardio will be structured according to individuals :
- division
- level of leanness at the beginning
- time constraints
- amount of lean muscle
- enjoyment of cardio and other variables.
16 Week Fitness, Bikini, & Sports Model Contest Prep
Male and Female

Complete nutrition
Supplementation Guidance
Training programs
Online feedback
Weekly Check-Ins
Unlimited email support
Debrief after show
Reverse diet plan available
Body CookQuest e-book ($35 value)
Liquid Meals e-book ($25 value)
Post Comp Blues e-book ($80 value)
16 Week Figure & Physique Contest Prep
Male and Female

Complete nutrition
Supplementation Guidance
Training programs
Online feedback
Phone support as needed
Coaching on all fine details
Debrief after show
Reverse diet plan
Body CookQuest e-book ($35 value)
Liquid Meals e-book ($25 value)
Post Comp Blues e-book ($80 value)