Invitation to Compete in ProRaw13
Friday 21st May I was contacted by Markos Markopoulos and was asked if I would like to compete in the prestigious PRORAW13 to be held in November 2021 at the Melbourne Convention Centre. I am absolutely ecstatic to even be invited to compete against the absolute crème de la crème of Australian female powerlifters. Due to my obligations and the dates of events already committed too, coupled with some health issues, I have opted to contend with the ‘deadlift only’ event. This will be in line with my ultimate goal this year of doing the CAPO deadlift only event tin December where I will try to beat my own world record that I set last December. I am excited!
CAPO State Titles
Saturday 22nd May I competed in a 3 lift meet for the first time since the GPC Nationals in Adelaide, 2019. This year’s early GPC dates just didn’t suit me so I opted to switch to CAPO and try to qualify for Nationals as one of my primary goals for 2021.
I set a goal of obtaining a total of anything between 470-480kg. I managed to do 500kg, which I was very happy with and still had more in the tank with my final deadlift but decided not to push myself any more than I needed to. I was a little nervous with my squats, being the first lift and not having being under competition rules for quite a while. I opened on 175kg, which was no issues. Then I attempted 190kg. Now two things happened: firstly, the whole monolift actually moved forward when I positioned myself under the bar; and secondly, the gate apparently was not locked and so the pins also moved. I had no choice but to step forward. The spotters took forever to take the bar off me. The ref gave me another crack at it, that I had to take right away. I was mentally rattled as absolutely anyone would have been, but I was relatively calm. Unfortunately, I was just shy on depth but I was VERY happy that I took the lift with the positivity and courage that I did under very trying circumstances. I then had about 5 minutes to collect myself for my third attempt, repeating 190kg and sank it beautifully.
My bench opener was at 87.5kg. Naughty Ingrid did not listen properly at the competitors’ briefing. In GPC there are 3 ref calls for the bench: start, press and rack. CAPO have 2, press and rack. So, Ingrid unracks the bar on her first attempt and holds, holds, holds waiting for a call that was never going to come. Luckily someone sung out from the audience “No start calls!” and I went, but I had expended a lot of energy! Lucky for me I did nail it. I jumped to 92.5kg and then to 95kg without further hitch.
If that wasn’t enough, I was also called out on a t-shirt technicality. I had cut my t-shirt sleeves too short. I had enough material on the bench when I actually did my press, so I wasn’t red-lighted. But I was told that at Nationals I had better wear a proper t-shirt full length sleeves!
Best to learn all these things at the State show, not the Nationals which, aside from having to qualify, was the major reason for doing this comp. I actually pulled up the next day, and following week, the best I ever have after a competition. I have now had 8 days off lifting and am ready to start my preparation I earnest for Nationals which are being held in Perth, August 21st.
Anyway well done me, 17th competition win on the trot.
Great article